Effect of reinforcing bars location on their bond in High Performance Self-Compacting Concrete
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Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Wydział Górnictwa i Geoinżynierii, Kraków
Publication date: 2019-09-19
Cement Wapno Beton 24(4) 307-319 (2019)
In this work the effect of the reinforcing bars location on their bond with concrete was presented. The studies were performed on specimens made of four different High Performance Self-compacting concrete mixes with varying addition of silica fume 5%, 10% and 15% by mass of replaced cement. Since the specimens had heights of 160, 480, 800 and 1600 mm, it was possible to measure the changes of the bond at these levels. In these elements the reinforcing bars were oriented perpendicularly to the placing direction. The obtained results were compared with the specimens of HPC compacted by vibration and made from the same ingredients and with the same water/binder ratio. The performed tests have shown that in the case of the elements made of the HPC–Self Compacting Concrete and HPC, both containing silica fume, the quality of bond conditions, along the elements heights, was nearly constant. The maximum bond differences between the ‘good’ and ‘poor’ bond condition zones were much lower than those mentioned in the standard guidelines.
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