Environmental aspects of sustainable development in the cement industry: activities communicated by enterprises functioning in Poland
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Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Akademia WSB w Dąbrowie Górniczej
Publication date: 2019-09-23
Cement Wapno Beton 24(4) 267-275 (2019)
The enterprises of the cement industry, being aware of the consequences of their operations, undertake numerous actions to limit the impact of their own production on the environment. These activities perfectly fit into the idea of sustainable development, but it is important not only to take actions in this field, but also to communicate reliably about the effects they bring. In the article a comparative analysis of materials available on the websites of cement industry companies operating on the Polish market was carried out. Based on the analysis, key areas were identified in which the surveyed companies undertake environmental activities and the scope of their communication was assessed. As follows from the analysis, all surveyed companies communicate activity in the area of environmental aspects of sustainable development, however, they do not always fall into all of the areas identified by the authors. The form and scope of communication are also varied. To the greatest extent, and in all areas considered in the paper, these are the largest cement industry entities in Poland – which are part of global capital groups, that communicate their activities.
The paper was developed as part of the project “Positive social change in the organization as a factor of company involvement in the implementation of sustainable development”. The project was fi nanced by the National Science Center, decision no DEC- -2017/25/B/HS4/01113
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