The paper presents the results of several hundred static plate load tests on a soil subgrade stabilized with cement and on a mixture with cement, as well as on subgrade of pavement made on a soil subgrade or on embankments stabilized with cement. Secondary modulus of elasticity E2, which is a parameter of the bearing capacity, was measured. The results have shown that subgrade stabilized with cement reaches E2 ≥ 120 MPa. The greater effectiveness of stabilization concerned mixtures with cement (90% over 120 MPa value) than the cement-stabilized subgrade “in situ” (66%). Road pavement made of coarse aggregate build on the soil subgrade or on embankments stabilized with cement have shown high E2 values, and only 3% of measured values have been under 120 MPa, which proves the effectiveness of cement in stabilizing subgrade of pavement.
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