Rheology of reactive powder concrete mix - a rewiev
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Opole University of Technology, Departament of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Opole, Poland
Submission date: 2024-11-19
Acceptance date: 2025-01-27
Publication date: 2025-01-28
Cement Wapno Beton 29(4) 302-323 (2024)
The paper presents issues on the rheology of RPC mixtures based on data from the literature. First, the properties of pastes as multiphase systems are described, taking into account their structures and the interacting forces in these systems. The influence of small particles introduced to cement with mineral additives on the rheological properties of cement pastes has been discussed. Particular attention has been paid to their role in increasing cement packing density and their effect on increased fluidity in the presence of superplasticizer in cement pastes and RPC mixes. The effect of mixing the RPC ingredients on its rheology has been discussed, taking into account a sequence for the addition of ingredients, the speed, and the time of mixing.
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