Future of concrete Vision and challenges
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Technion, Izrael
Uniwersytet w Brytyjskiej Kolumbii, Kanada
Publication date: 2006-03-01
Cement Wapno Beton 11(2) 102-121 (2006)
Appeared in Concrete Technology. Materials Science of Concrete Special Volume: Proceedings of the Anna Maria Workshops 2002, 2003 and 2004. Edited by Jan Skalny, Sydney Mindess, and Andrew Boyd Publish with permission of The American Concrete Society
Erratum Erratum to „Future of concrete” [Cement-Wapno-Beton, 2, 2006, 102] Arnon Bentur, Amnon Katz, Sidney Mindess Appeared in Concrete Technology. Materials Science of Concrete Special Volume: Proceedings of the Anna Maria Workshops 2002, 2003 and 2004. Edited by Jan Skalny, Sidney Mindess and Andrew Boyd Publish with the permission of The American Ceramic Society The publisher regrets that in the above article the fi rst and second authors names Arnon Bentur and Amnon Katz were spelt incorrectly. This is now correctly reproduced above. Also the article was published with the permission of The American Ceramic Society. The publisher would like to apologize sincerely for any inconvenience caused.
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