Dual CUSUM chart for the quality control of concrete family
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Katedra Geodezji i Geotechniki, Politechnika Rzeszowska
Katedra Konstrukcji Budowlanych, Politechnika Rzeszowska
Publication date: 2019-09-22
Cement Wapno Beton 24(4) 276-285 (2019)
Ready Mix Concrete plants supply a very wide range of concrete mixes, with different strengths, consistencies, admixtures and aggregate sizes. As a result, a small plant often does not produce enough of certain concrete mixes in order to apply the conformity criteria to a particular concrete class according to EN 206. Theoretically, the concrete family concept allows obtaining a sufficiently high number of strength results and allows a more continuous control of the production process and consequently a more rapid detection of significant changes in quality. Online quality monitoring refers to the monitoring of concrete quality in ready mix concrete during its production process, and the CUSUM charts are an effective statistical procedure control that can be used to monitor the quality of concrete for the concrete family during the production process. In this paper a CUSUM chart and the procedure involved, as well as related classes in the concrete family and the risks associated with them, has been presented. In this article, the 28-day characteristic cube compressive strengths of the various concrete classes and detailed information regarding the process of grouping in the concrete family and the consumer and producer risks associated with the production process, with a Cusum chart and OC and AOQ curves, has been presented.
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