The influence of ionizing radiation on microstructure and properties of concrete shields – a review
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IPPT PAN, Warszawa
Publication date: 2013-07-01
Cement Wapno Beton 18(4) 216-237 (2013)
Second part of the paper by A. M. Brandt, CWB 2/2013, 115-132. This work was prepared in the frame of the project „Durability and effi ciency of concrete shields against ionizing radiation in nuclear power structures”, PBS II, National Centre for Research and Development.
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ACI 349.3R-02 Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures.
DIN 25 413, teil 1-1991, Klassifi kation von Abschirmbetonen nach Elementanteilen, Abschirmung von Neutronenstrahlung.
DIN 25 413, teil 2-1991, Klassifi kation von Abschirmbetonen nach Elementanteilen, Abschirmung von Gammastrahlung.
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