Carbonation cracking of reinforced AAC panel
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Sumitomo Metal Mining Siporex Co., Ltd, Research and Development Center, Japan
Publication date: 2011-12-01
Cement Wapno Beton (Special 2011 16) 81-85 (2011)
Carbonation cracking and its mechanism of AAC have not been reported at all. One of the possible mechanisms of carbonation cracking caused by carbonation shrinkage is investigated. Carbonation shrinkage at the occurrence of cracking was approximately 0.12% both for fi eld study and accelerated carbonation, while carbonation degree was approximately 50% and 35%, respectively. Tensile stress in AAC was calculated to reach tensile strain capacity (0.04–0.05%) at the occurrence of cracking both for fi eld study and accelerated carbonation data. In other words, the proposed mechanism of carbonation cracking was certified.
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