Concrete in housing. The impact of technology on innovative architectural ideas
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Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej
Publication date: 2019-09-25
Cement Wapno Beton 24(5) 339-350 (2019)
The technical solution of concrete application in housing are universal, however, less exposed than in large–scale architecture, in church and engineering realisations. The effects of reinforced concrete application in housing was seen by modernists, but come from the mistakes of technological processes, could not be fully utilized. However, the modernists designated the mean trends of new technology: development of realisation by replacing walls construction by skeletons, production industrialisation by partial or full prefabrication, application of concrete kinds, which have the properties influencing the comfort of usage. It should be remaining the foamed and waterproof concretes. The concrete is today the main substance in housing architecture as the insulation material of protective walls, as the insulation of underground garages and as a detail of finishing
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