Study of the possibility of using modifi ed fi ne fraction obtained from recycled concrete rubble as cement additive
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Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials, Materials, Processing and Environmental Engineering Division in Opole, Poland
Publication date: 2019-07-14
Cement Wapno Beton 24(3) 188-201 (2019)
The subject of the work was the use of a fine fraction derived from the recycled concrete, consisting mainly of hardened cement paste. The concrete rubble was heat treated at temperatures of: 180°C, 300°C, 500°C and 700°C. Thermal treatment resulted in better grindability of obtained material. The reason for this was most probably the micro-cracking of the hardened cement paste due to the dehydration of the cement paste phases. Fine fraction ground to the surface of approximately 4500 cm2/g was used as an additive, replacing 3% or 6% of cement. Results of mortar strength test confirmed the literature data, according to which a small fraction of concrete from recycling has an adverse effect on the properties of mortars and concretes. The addition of this fine fraction to the cement caused a reduction in strength throughout the whole maturation period as compared to the reference cement. The research shows a high impact of thermal treatment of recycled concrete fine fraction on strength of mortars containing this additive. Increasing the heating temperature to 700°C caused a large change in the phase composition of the samples, through the decomposition of dolomite and calcium carbonate contained in the starting material. A 6% addition of this sample resulted in a significant reduction in strength. Considering both material and economic aspects, 180°C was found the most favourable annealing temperature, which causes dehydration of the C-S-H phase.
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